The plant observation platform is located within the Botanical Special Reserve Dubravica which is home of a valuable habitat of peat plants. Bogs are special aquatic habitats in which specific vegetation of bogs grow. Bogs area is under special protection and is located in the Dubrava forest near Dubravica. Bogs in Croatia are especially rare due to specific habitat conditions such as low temperatures and high humidity for which peat plants have evolved special adpatations. Cret is one of the last remaining sites of round-leaved (Drosera rotundifolia)“ in Croatia. Round-leaved sundew is a critically endangered species and a protected carnivorous plant. As the plant cannot get all the necessary nutrients from the soil, the sundew compensates for the rest by catching insects. Its name comes from the small transparent drops that the plant secretes on the leaves, and they resemble dew (Drosera comes from the Greek word drosos - dew). Round-leaved sundew as an endemic plant is located on the coat of arms of the Municipality of Dubravica. It has medicinal properties, has no odor, has a bitter taste and cures respiratory diseases.