Špansko Oranice Church

3000 m2
City of Zagreb
competition entry
Ivan Galić

The project was aiming to preserve the continuity of pedestrian flows and to blend into the newly built settlement with the existing dominant urban matrix. The project is planned in phases, in the first phase the church with accompanying programs of the church, pastoral center and Church Square, and in the second stage of the parish and hostel would be built.

The church occupies an elevated position in relation to the surrounding pedestrian area, creating new space for pedestrians and forms a high-quality covered zone of the church square and contributes to reducing the harmful influences of proximity to traffic. The Hostel is formed as a western slab with a view on the housing estate on one side and the church square on the other, mostly covering the square space and releasing the maximum of this public space and pedestrian connections.

Due to the fact that the three main volumes are raised from the surface of the terrain, the church square has a high quality covered space, and on the elevated part, small intimate parts of the church square are created that function as an entrance to the church and allow for short external connections between adjacent slits. 

The spatial elements of the church are formed using light as an important factor of the articulation of space and the creation of an accent.


The result is a expressive form that  retains a clear urbanistic readability and connection with the nearby residential settlement.

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